Emotional Well-Being During Pregnancy: Garbh Sanskar Practices

People often talk about how important it is for a mother-to-be to concentrate on her physical well-being during pregnancy. But not many say the same for her emotional well-being. Maintaining good emotional health is as important as maintaining good physical health during pregnancy. To shed more light on this often-ignored subject, today we will talk about why emotional well-being is crucial during pregnancy and how GarbhSanskar ensures the same in pregnant women.

The Importance of Emotional Well-Being During Pregnancy

Emotional well-being encapsulates the ability to process emotions and handle difficult situations. When a woman is emotionally fit, she is in a calm and happy state of mind.

But pregnancy brings along hormonal surges, increasing the levels of oestrogen and progesterone in the woman’s body. These hormonal changes can alter a woman’s emotional state and cause strong mood swings.

In addition to the positive emotions of joy and excitement, expectant mothers often experience negative emotions like sadness, anger, fear, stress, and anxiety. All of these are known to disturb their emotional state and hamper their emotional well-being.

Research reveals that attributes like increased fussiness and fearfulness in infants are associated with elevated cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in expectant mothers. Another study states that high cortisol levels in the mother’s womb can affect a toddler’s cognitive development. Furthermore, babies of mothers who have a hard time dealing with emotions during pregnancy may arrive prematurely, have low bright weight, and can be hyperactive.

The above information highlights why it is important to ensure the emotional well-being of a woman during pregnancy. When she is free from stress and emotional challenges, her pregnancy becomes a happy and joyous experience. The feel-good hormones in her body infuse a sense of serenity and calmness and support the growth and development of the baby in the womb.

How Does Garbh Sanskar Ensure the Emotional Well-Being of a Soon-To-Be Mother?

Because an unborn baby is exposed to everything their mother experiences, one of the main objectives of Garbh Sanskar is to provide a positive and calm environment for the mother so she can bear her child with peace and happiness.

Garbh Sanskar practices promoting the emotional well-being of pregnant women are:

Meditation and Breathing Exercises

Meditation, or Dhyaan, and breathing exercises like Pranayam are key components of Garbh Sanskar. These activities help dispel worrisome thoughts, aid relaxation, and reduce maternal stress levels. Low stress levels translate to a good mood and emotional stability in to-be mothers.


Yogasan can be a great stress-buster during pregnancy. Garbh Sanskar requires pregnant women to regularly practice Yogasan. These gentle exercises improve blood circulation in the mother’s body, boost her strength and endurance, and regulate stress and emotions.

Music Therapy

Listening to soothing music is an excellent way of calming the mind and maintaining good emotional health. That is why Garbh Sanskar involves listening to classical ragas and mantras at specific times of the day. In addition to impacting the baby’s emotional development positively, Garbh Sanskar music uplifts the mother’s mood, curbs mood swings, and balances the emotional state of mind.

Garbh Samvad Rituals

Talking to the unborn baby is one of the best experiences for an expecting mother. These interactions help build a strong maternal-foetal connection and evoke feel-good emotions. Positive emotions then contribute to the emotional well-being of the mother to-be.

A Nutrient-Dense Diet

Garbh Sanskar believes in the importance of eating a healthy and nutritious diet during pregnancy. Pregnant women following this ancient Indian practice enjoy a ‘Satvik’ diet filled with nutrient-dense foods. Eating right results in fewer mood swings and helps with anxiety and depression.

Final Words

In the society we live in, a pregnant woman’s emotional and mental well-being is not given as much importance as it should be. As women often hesitate to share their concerns, it is their partner’s responsibility to create a channel of open communication so to-be mothers can share their experiences and concerns freely. Access to expert guidance is also vital to seeking advice on emotional challenges when needed.


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