Garbh Sanskar and Foetal Brain Development: Nurturing Intelligence

 The brain is one of the most crucial organs in the human body. It imparts us the ability to think, learn, hold memories, move, talk, and feel. It also controls our heartbeat and processes like the assimilation of food. In short, our brain controls all the functions of our body. Because 80% of brain development happens inside the mother’s womb, it is important that its growth and development during this time be taken care of.

Garbh Sanskar, the ancient Indian practice of nurturing the unborn child agrees and suggests numerous practices for expecting mothers so that the baby’s growth, including brain development, happens at its best.  


Understanding Foetal Brain Development

Foetal brain development is a complex process which continues throughout pregnancy and beyond. It follows a fairly consistent timeline, and therefore, the extent of brain development at various stages of pregnancy is known.

The development of a baby’s brain begins with the formation of a neural tube. This happens in the first month of pregnancy. Somewhere around week 6, the neural tube closes and the brain segregates into three parts:

·         Front brain

·         Midbrain

·         Hindbrain

As foetal brain development progresses, these parts form specialised sections in the brain controlling different bodily functions.

During the first trimester, brain development is rapid. Its weight is nearly half of the total foetal weight. Somewhere close to week 6, the brain's first electrical activity occurs, showcasing that neurons are actively sending signals and can now communicate.

In the second trimester, brain growth continues, with around 250,000 neurons forming every minute. These neurons, depending on where they are located, take on different roles in brain function. Mothers can feel their baby’s first kick around weeks 16–20 of gestation. These kicks are directed and controlled by the cerebellum.

And finally, in the third trimester, neurons continue to multiply. The brain triples in size, and the cerebrum divides into left and right hemispheres. The cerebellum grows rapidly too and directs the baby’s movements inside the womb. Increased baby weight and cerebellum activity are what make pregnant mothers feel their baby’s strong movements during this trimester.


How Can Garbh Sanskar Support Your Baby’s Brain Development?

The effectiveness of Garbh Sanskar is talked about in highly-regarded ancient Indian scriptures like the Vedas and Upanishads. It was devised to aid a baby’s development during its time inside the mother’s womb.

It is known that unborn babies are influenced by external stimuli and the thoughts and actions of their mothers. Hence, Garbh Sanskar aims to nurture the mind of the unborn child and expose it to a variety of experiences and knowledge so it can imbibe these virtues and become a balanced, intelligent, and good human.

Pregnant women can follow Garbh Sanskar right from the start. When done right, these practices can promote foetal brain development and ensure a happy and healthy offspring.

As stress is known to ruin the state of mind, Garbh Sanskar practices like Dhyaan (meditation), Pranayam, Yogasan, positive affirmations, and visualization activities help an expectant mother live a stress-free life. Less stress supports brain development and brings better outcomes for the baby.

Similarly, listening to literary texts, Garbh Sanskar music, and the mother’s voice during Garbh Samvad boosts foetal brain development. Babies who hear ragas and mantras during gestation learn quickly and have a high intelligence and emotional quotient. Their language skills are also better.

Lastly, Garbh Sanskar emphasizes a well-balanced diet for a baby’s healthy brain development. A 'Satvik' diet with all six rasas is necessary to provide essential nutrients to the baby. It supports the growth of the fetal brain and prepares it for enhanced cognitive abilities in the future.


In Conclusion

All in all, Garbh Sanskar is a highly effective practice to ensure the brains of unborn babies develop well, imbibe good knowledge, and have a high EQ and IQ after birth. It takes care of all aspects to which an expectant mother must pay attention and provides her with an optimal environment for the growth and development of her unborn child.

Want to reap the benefits of Garbh Sanskar and ensure the health and well-being of your developing baby? Download the Krishna Coming app from the App Store or Google Play Store and start your journey today!


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