
Showing posts from July, 2024

Garbh Sanskar and Foetal Brain Development: Nurturing Intelligence

  The brain is one of the most crucial organs in the human body. It imparts us the ability to think, learn, hold memories, move, talk, and feel. It also controls our heartbeat and processes like the assimilation of food. In short, our brain controls all the functions of our body. Because 80% of brain development happens inside the mother’s womb, it is important that its growth and development during this time be taken care of. Garbh Sanskar , the ancient Indian practice of nurturing the unborn child agrees and suggests numerous practices for expecting mothers so that the baby’s growth, including brain development, happens at its best.     Understanding Foetal Brain Development Foetal brain development is a complex process which continues throughout pregnancy and beyond. It follows a fairly consistent timeline, and therefore, the extent of brain development at various stages of pregnancy is known. The development of a baby’s brain begins with the formation of a n...